Monday, February 2, 2009

Helvetica, Helvetika, Hell-Vetica

Helvetica has opened my mind in a way I'm not so sure is beneficial to my sanity. To start, which should I blame, Helvetica the typeface or Helvetica the movie? I guess one obviously embraces the other. Speaking of embracing, I have visually welcomed the consciousness of this typeface into my psyche and like an obsessive stalker, it follows me everywhere I go. Even worse, it has infiltrated my memory of famous ads or locations with text and altered its rendering, creating a sense of uniformity within a broad range of emotions and colors with seeming "different" fonts. I guess it's the beauty of Helvetica. Beauty...or manipulation.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. when i was a freshmans. REFLECTIONS.. took over my world!
